Like frosted shower glass, rain shower glass offers a texture on one side of the glass, leaving the other side smooth. The crystal rain’s patterns provide this glass an exceptional decorative appearance while offering privacy and exceptional functionality. This famous style also functions to avoid watermarks, fingerprints, and some small marks that are typical in a shower environment.
If you like rain shower glass for your bathroom, we have the best range of this kind of shower glass type. We take pride from delivering quality rain shower glass that’s guaranteed to meet your needs. Our staff and professionals have been working in the industry for several years. We are also up to date with the different trends in shower glass.
Without professional expertise, you might end up facing some installation issues. Luckily, we are here to help you! Whether you are still on the decision making process or need an installation, repair or replacement service; you can count on us!
Call us at (202) 868-6828 NOW to get a FREE ESTIMATE or fill out our form and we will reach out to you IMMEDIATELY!